About Us
Our School
In continuous operation since 1978, our school had evolved from its humble beginnings in our church sanctuary to a fully accredited institution by 2005. The purpose of the school is to support parents by providing quality education integrated with a Christian view of God and His world, and to equip young people to serve the Lord effectively in their community. Maranatha provides instruction from Kindergarten through grade 9 for students that represent a variety of church denominations in the community.
Maranatha Christian School is a ministry of the Evangelical Free Church of Williams Lake. The principal reports to the Church Executive Board and is responsible for administering school policies and programs. The core beliefs of the Evangelical Free Church are listed in the Statement of Faith (Appendix II)

Our Mission
Maranatha school partners with its families and the Christian community of Williams Lake to recognize the uniqueness of every child as we provide an education that seeks to develop academic excellence, servant based leadership, and a desire to see their faith lived daily in a fulfilling way through providing innovation and supports within the classroom, opportunities to serve others, and the training to connect their faith to the world around them.
Core Values
As a school community we are committed to:
Salvation: An adventurous, Christ-centered, personal relationship with God
Lifelong Learning: Forming a Christian Worldview that encourages personal growth, innovation and the pursuit of excellence
Christlikeness: Living a life that reflects the character and heart of Christ
Service and Leadership: Modelling the work of Christ in all situations and with all people
Life Management: Developing spiritual, academic, and vocational education and preparation
Our Vision
Maranatha school partners with its families and the Christian community of Williams Lake to recognize the uniqueness of every child as we provide an education that seeks to develop academic excellence, servant based leadership, and a desire to see their faith lived daily in a fulfilling way through providing innovation and supports within the classroom, opportunities to serve others, and the training to connect their faith to the world around them.
Our History
The school was started in 1978, when God spoke clearly to the leaders of the Evangelical Free Church of Williams Lake that He wanted a place where He could be free to touch hearts and lives; where His Word would always be lifted high, and where His presence would be a way of life. With a limited budget and a sensing of God's direction, these leaders set out to pursue this unknown, exciting opportunity. Interest grew quickly and in the fall of the same year, the board initiated the official start of Maranatha Christian School. A humble beginning it was, occupying the sanctuary during the week, converting to church use for the weekends; yet, despite wrinkles and kinks, the infant school began to grow and develop. Though there was no gym, no labs, and little playground, the school had a greater asset: it was blessed by God.
Christ-centred education, memorable chapel times, devoted staff, individualized instruction, community involvement, and a striving for excellence blended into a unity of purpose that quickly established the formidable reputation of MCS in the Williams Lake community. By 1999 Maranatha had become one of the oldest and most respected ACE schools in the province. However, knowing God still had more for the school, MCS began taking on a new identity - in curriculum and in style. In 2000, teacher-directed classes were added to the K-8 curriculum and Maranatha Christian School became a fully accredited Group 1 school for K-8. By 2004 MCS was a Group 1 school for K-10. Then MCS achieved Group 1 status for Grades 11-12 by the fall of 2005. Until 2020-21 Maranatha Christian School issued Dogwood Certificates.
Changes have continued to be made, especially to our programs and facility. In April 2005, the Evangelical Free Church of Williams Lake purchased Crescent Heights Elementary School from the School District #27. The future continues to look bright. We are trusting God for His direction as Maranatha confronts the future with a new look and great excitement. The Lord is praised for these blessings. The vision of the school remains the same as when it was started many years ago; that MCS will be a school where the Lord can touch and change lives and equip young people to impact their world with the love of Jesus Christ.
Foundation of our Educational Policies
We recognize that each child is “created in the image of God” and as such are valuable, priceless treasures that have been entrusted to our care. Each has been “fearfully and wonderfully made” and it is the duty of all persons involved in a child’s life to fully grasp the implications of this scripture. Each child has been created as an individual with unique talents, strengths, and gifts.
The expectation is to attempt to discover the person God has created, and then provide guidance and opportunity for a child to become everything God meant him/her to be in order to live the fruits of love, service and truth in response to God’s mandate. We wish to foster the development of concepts, abilities, and creativity that (a) proclaim the marvel and potential of God’s creation, even in its fallen state, and (b) enable each child to walk in God’s way by using his or her God-given talents in service to God and their neighbors.
Purpose for Christian Education
Every institution must have a purpose for its existence. Dr. Paul B. Smith wrote:
“For Christians to have an impact on our society, we need to develop a generation of young people who think Biblically, who look at life from God’s eye and who put Biblical principles into practice. We will then, as a body, truly become the salt and light that God intended us to be, impacting greatly on our society. Producing this kind of society can be accomplished only as we train young children from birth to adulthood from God’s perspective.
One of the major contributions to this process, augmenting the home and extending the Church, is the Christian school.”
The prime concern of Christian education must be the spiritual needs of each student. Being depraved by nature, people stand in desperate need of the regenerating and converting work of the Holy Spirit. While this is a work that no teacher or parent can accomplish, the Word of God and Christian education are means God may use to this end.
Biblical Mandate to Teach from a Christian Perspective
We provide education for our children based upon God and His Word because it is God’s command.
"He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands."(Psalm 78:5-7)
We provide Christian education because it is our parental responsibility. We have the same responsibility as Israel in the Old Testament to instruct our children.
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth". (Deuteronomy. 11:18-21)
The education we provide must teach and strive to observe the interrelationship of the truths of God’s Word. Education must provide absolute answers, rather than wavering speculations.
“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” (Psalm 33:4)
Education must strive to teach wisdom.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Prov. 9:10)
Education is training for daily life and moral teaching. As all of life is under Divine direction, all studies must be taught in a Biblical context.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:31)
Community Responsibilities and Standards
The purpose of the Community Responsibilities and Standards (appendix VI) is to clearly outline the expectations of how the MCS mission statement, vision and core values are lived out in the life of the student. It is also the intent of this document to provide the Biblical standards and a legal context regarding the behaviour and lifestyle of those who attend Maranatha Christian School.