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Welcome to the 6/7 Class!
The 6/7 class is taught by Mrs. Combs. This page is updated weekly as a resource for parents and students, so check back often!
Grade 6/7 Study Info
Stay tuned here for all the latest and greatest things that we're doing in class!
Some students, are on Week 5 words (Pink box) while the others have moved on to Week 6 (Black box.) A few students have moved on to Week 6, but the green list of words.
They will have an upcoming vocabulary quiz soon.
Students may access an online resource through their RGR account (user id and password are taped in the front of the planner) and accessing their assignments via:
As always, please have your child read a minimum of 20 minutes a day.
Week Six Vocabulary
Grade 6/7 Upcoming Events
Mark these dates on your calendar!
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